lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011

Brainstorming gold rules

I would like to elaborate a gold rules to manage a very constructive brainstorming that I has been able to take along all my experience. I see a brainstorming like an evolutive algorithm where all individuals have an initial knowledge and its own reality and all of them mix its vision along an iteration. Little a little, they will give better ideas because they will be involving.

- Do not get sidetracked. Every brainstorming must have a purpose, if you deviate of the topic, you won't contribute anymore in the purpose and you can confuse to all. Be direct, say more with less words.

- Set a deadline to your own ideas. You may have the risk to obfuscate in your own ideas and not see with clearly. If you cut yourself your ideas, you will be open to introduce new ideas by yourself also.

- Each participant must have the same portion of time to give their ideas. This allows all feels so important as another one.

- Pay attention and interest for all ideas from all ones. The figure of the moderator is very important because s/he must point out the direction of the brainstorming. Type all interesing points and the most important point: motivate to all paying attention to all ideas. This will avoid that someone has fear to give another approach.

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