domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2012

Inserting rows with schemas which have a required relationship with other schemas in MongoDB (NoSQL)

Inserting rows into a table that have a relationship with other tables using foreign keys, it is a very basic functionality in SQL. On the other hand, in NoSQL engines where the queries are managed in documents (or views) instead of a relational way, it is not very common, but it is still necessary to have.

domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012

UDF Solution for MySQL in Windows 7

User-Defined functions (UDF) are functions in MySQL that behaves just like a native (included in the core) of MySQL, such as MAX() or SUM() functions. The main advantage is that UDFs are much faster than stored procedures and the usage is exactly the same. The disadvantage is that UDF are written in C or C++, so it is necessary to compile separately and then install it in MySql. This tutorial is about how to create a new solution for compiling UDFs in x64 and x86 machines and how to install it in MySQL.

jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012

Desarrollo ágil

Os dejo aquí unas transparencias muy interesantes y divertidas sobre desarrollo ágil como metodología de desarrollo (no solo de gestión).

En general, habla desde la motivación de cada uno de nosotros a los problemas que se encuentran a lo largo de un proyecto (Seguro que os sonarán algunos de ellos). by Juan Ramón, ¡muchas gracias por tu trabajo!

Hay frases dignan de mencionar que seguro que despertarán vuestra curiosidad!

“Si quieres conocer a una persona, no le preguntes lo que piensa sino lo que ama”  San Agustín
“Felicidad no es hacer lo que uno quiere sino querer lo que uno hace” Jean Paul Sartre

Que lo disfrutéis!

miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012

Esperanza y superación

Y es que no hay más que suspicacias

Llantos sin razón ni esperanza,
Que secan las cenizas sobre estas huellas.
Estampa de ahora. Y de las futuras nuevas…

Y es que siempre no fue así

Antes toda insinuación excusaba una sonrisa,
Cada respiro se encontraba con una caricia,
Y toda suerte coincidía en tu cercanía.

Y es que me siento acomplejado

Por todos estos golpes fortuitos
Que afligen al corazón hastiado
De embites con signos apocalipticos.

Y es que hay que despertar

Esas curvas siguen dibujando el mismo drama,
El sol te sigue recibiendo bien en la mañana,
Y cada despertar te regala esa nueva oportunidad.

Y es que somos responsables de nuestro éxito.

jueves, 8 de marzo de 2012

Building ASP.NET MVC Apps with EF Code First, HTML5, and jQuery

Some months ago, I started with a project built with the following features:

- In Client: HTML 5 with JQuery

I used JQuery in the past, then just I needed to refresh my mind. Anyway, I took the pleasure to learn more about HTML 5.

- In Server side: in ASP.NET MVC 3 with Razor engine

I knew ASP.NET MVC, but nothing of Razor engine which is an interesting and very powerful idea. Moreover, I focused to use AJAX because I was really interesed in dynamic sites.

- In Services layer: WCF with certificate token security. 

I used ASP.NET Membership in WCF services layer.

- In Data Access layer: Entity Framework Code First.

I played with Entity Framework Code first which helped me a lot to separate the logic of access to database using a decoupled architecture and repository patterns.

I definetely learnt very much along this task. If you like all this stuff, I found some days ago this interesting course where explain all above concepts in a overview way.


martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

Configure your TFS and SQL Server environment to work at home

Would you like to take some work of your company to do it at home, maybe, because project time pressure or feel sick and you are very responsible or just you love it? If answer is YES and your project is managed with TFS and uses SQL Server as database, I will explain how to configure your environment in a stand-alone way to be properly built in another computer with minimal development requirements. If you achieve it and your bosses will thank even more your efforts :)

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2012

Introduction to HTML 5.0

There are many sites where explain how HTML5 looks like and I will contribute a bit here including my personal experience on this topic.

lunes, 9 de enero de 2012

Brief introduction to Linked Data

Nowadays, information plays a key role in making the decision to start a business, invest your money and also most mundane actions like buying a product or simply find a recipe. All this information flows through the network as data and thus, search engines, like Google and Yahoo, have become as useful part of our daily lives to query the web.

miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

Thoughts on Workflow Foundation 4.0

In this post, I want to show my personal feelings working with WF 4.0, not a technical post. During my experience, I found many challenges to sort, so these conclusions may be interesting for people who is thinking to use this framework to use some complex things.